Try on a Career Week

The Career Education Council in collaboration with local community partners will launch "Try on a Career Week" as a platform to generate inspiration for youth to consider local opportunities to pursue meaningful employment and fulfilling careers. In our first year, this project will include direct coordination of career events for 10 schools/2000+ students who will experience touch points with inspiring local career representatives! Through facilitated mini-events, students will explore careers and gain valuable insights to help with future decisions about education, training and employment. Upon request, we will also provide resources, ideas and connections to guest speakers for additional schools.

Areas of Interest

Project Needs


If you are interested in volunteering or funding, you can also contact this Project directly.

Please contact the Elevator Project about your project or idea. Someone from 10 Carden will be in touch shortly.
  • This email will be sent directly to the Idea Maker responsible for this project.