Stories from the Elevator Project

Check out the work thus far. We've been matching community ideas with community investment. Have an idea that will make Guelph Great? Want to make a difference in your community, but don't know where to start? Contact us!

Elevator Academy session one: Bootcamp (Most important session of the Academy!)

29 October

This Tuesday, November 3rd marks the beginning of round 3’s Elevator Academy with the first and most important session: the Bootcamp, which will run from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. at 10 Carden. This year’s Academy sessions are designed not only to impart important and transferable project development and management skills, but will also directly tackle Elevator Project application questions to give you a jump on completing your project proposal. Don’t miss it!

Why is this session so important?

The Elevator Academy session one: Bootcamp will address the first four, and most important, application questions:

  • What problem are you trying to solve? Why is it a problem?
  • What is the idea? How are you going to solve the problem?
  • Who will benefit from your idea and how? How many people will be impacted or engaged?
  • What makes your solution the right solution? What sets your solution apart from other currently available solutions?

As you can see, this session will be essential in helping you to articulate clearly your vision, as well as the benefit your project will provide to community of Guelph. Meanwhile, you will develop a method of approach that will keep your team on track throughout both the application process and the execution of the project itself. You will also have the opportunity to identify any gaps or errors in your idea and its planning that you may have overlooked and develop the means to address them before they can compromise the viability of your project later on. Not only that, but you will also have almost half of your application completed by the end of the session!

Don’t miss this great chance to get your project started right. Join Gabrielle Clermont, the Elevator Project’s Community Animator, as she guides you the process of turning your innovative, community-benefit idea into a winner! RSVP here.