Launch Your Project

Idea Intake Form Round Three

Launch your project by submitting your idea!

Fill out this form to tell us all about your idea. Please use less than 2000 words in total (not 1500 words for each question). Look for hints under each question about how your answer will be "marked" by our Community Panel using our "Great" Standard.
  • We will need one main contact name for each project. Don't worry, there is space later for you to add your team members. This is the person who will receive emails and notifications from us.
  • Again, this should be for your main contact person. This is the email the EP and investors will use to get in touch with your project.
  • Please note you may unsubscribe to our email list at any time.
  • Make it a snappy one! This is the title that will be used for your project in our Idea Bank
    All types of organizations are welcome to be part of The Elevator Project. It is important for us to know the status of your group so we can inform our investors. For example, some investors may only want to give to a group who has charitable status. Each investor has their own giving priorities and that is why your status matters.
  • Great ideas = Group has clearly identified the problem they are trying to solve and why it is a problem. There is evidence that they have conducted research to support their theory and talked to others to validate their ideas.
  • Great ideas= Group clearly articulates how they are going to solve their identified problem. It is easy to understand what they hope to achieve. There is no jargon, acronyms or other confusing language. Their solution makes sense for the problem they are trying to address.
  • Great ideas = Group has identified a large group or niche group of community members (target market) whom this project will benefit. They are able to clearly define their target market by segments (gender, age, income, etc). There is evidence they have a plan to reach their stated market and that they have validated their plan by either discussing their idea with key market members or run a pilot of their idea.
  • Great ideas = Group clearly articulates what their success will look like and has achievable plans to measure that success. They have clearly defined what will be different in the community as a result of their project. Project demonstrates significant potential impact on the community.
  • Great ideas = The project has a clearly defined “unique” value proposition. It is clear they have researched other potential solutions and/or others solving the same issue in the community. The solution is innovative or just plain fun. The project enhances existing or model programs or is a brand new thing that doesn’t exist yet.
  • Great ideas = Group has clearly defined the skill sets required to tackle their problem and recruited the appropriate team members to fulfill those requirements. Team is well balanced and dedicated. Leadership has the vision, experience and network to deliver results. Team has dedicated time to work on the project. Team has the confidence and tenacity to go the extra mile. There is evidence they are working in cooperation and/or collaboration with other groups who are working towards similar goals.
  • Great ideas (same as above)= Group has clearly defined the skill sets required to tackle their problem and recruited the appropriate team members to fulfill those requirements. Team is well balanced and dedicated. Leadership has the vision, experience and network to deliver results. Team has dedicated time to work on the project. Team has the confidence and tenacity to go the extra mile. There is evidence they are working in cooperation and/or collaboration with other groups who are working towards similar goals.
  • This is the "shopping list" that our Community Animator takes out into the community to look for investors so be as specific as you can! For example, a community garden might need: - Funds: $1000 OR - Materials: 5 yards of soil, 3 yards of mulch and enough plants to cover a 10'x10' area (preferably native or edible species) - Volunteer time: 10 volunteers to assist on planting day equipped with own shovels
  • Include all the investments and revenue sources you have actually secured to date. These investments could be money or other things, like physical space, equipment or another in-kind resource. If you have revenue sources, include these. Great ideas= Group has identified a realistic amount of monetary funds and/or other resources needed to complete the project. There is evidence they have considered the smallest version of their idea that could still be effective in solving their stated problem. The project is cost effective based on the impact they expect to have. The resources they seek are beyond just funds and/or they have considered alternative ways of funding their project such as donated services or goods (if appropriate). Group has already secured some resources.
  • This is the description that will be listed for your project in our Idea Bank. Your entire intake form will be available only to our Community Panel so this is the description that investors & the public will see.
  • This will be the image we use on the web site to accompany your 100 word summary. Size your image to at least 300 x 300 px.
  • You also have a bonus chance to inspire us – if you want to. You can send us one extra thing that will convince us that this has to happen, right now in Guelph. Be creative. You can submit an image, link to a website, blog, graphic, poem, story, doodle, video, sketch, song, letter, 3D model – whatever you like. The only rule is that it must be easily viewable by the Community Panel. So, if it’s too long (e.g. a novel), or too large (e.g. an enormous data file or a 10ft high art installation), we can’t consider it in the review of your idea.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.