Idea Bank
There are so many great ideas in the Idea Bank. See something you'd like to contribute to? Let us know!
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Bruise Bar
Bruise Bar is a social food enterprise that repurposes unwanted produce on a production and retail level into healthy, affordable snacks. We will have an educational campaign throughout our business raising awareness on food waste, aiming to change the perception and behaviour of consumers. Ultimately removing the stigma of ugly produce. We will be sourcing our produce from the ugly or unwanted produce from grocery stores or farms to help divert large amounts of food that would otherwise be wasted.

Guelph: 100% Renewable Energy City
Getting commitment is the first step to make Guelph a 100% Renewable Energy city. Around the world over 1,000 communities have already done it. Now it's time for Guelph. This project will target specific demographics of individuals, businesses, institutions and the city to commit to a 100% Renewable Energy goal. Getting there will drive investment, create jobs, save money and improve the environment. Guelph will be healthier, our economy more resilient and it will help us fight climate change. A 100% Renewable Energy commitment lays the groundwork for a multi-decade plan to achieve this goal.

Nature is Calling
The idea around which the project revolves is the building in open settings of flush toilets and/or toilets other than non-flush toilets that release the solid and liquid waste for the growth of plants and fish within an enclosed environment. The project will lead to many benefits for Guelph and eventually for the entire universe through increased revenue, businesses and jobs, as well as a healthy environment.

Guelph Maker Hub
Guelph is a role model for environmentally friendly actions for Canada. As people move away from disposable materialism, the future will demand more sharing of communal goods in centrally managed hubs, and public repair and creation facilities. We are proactively preparing for this with the Guelph Tool Library, our Repair Cafes, and a proposed makerspace. We have established the tool library and the repair cafes, and now it is time to expand our educational component with a makerspace by either building one or partnering with DiYode. Negotiating our way forward will require some short term support.

Who cares about the Eastview Landfill? ReMediate brings together artist Christina Kingsbury, writer Anna Bowen, and Pollination Guelph to create a massive quilt for the Eastview Landfill site. The first 2000sqft of the quilt, handmade from paper embedded with native seeds, was sewn together with public participation. It is now biodegrading and becoming a living habitat for threatened pollinators. 2017 will see the continued expansion of the quilt, the planting of trees and shrubs for pollinator shelter and spring forage, the installation of two sculptures on site that will serve as bench for the public and an arbour for climbing plants, and a Native Bee House-making workshop. We are seeking cash or in-kind materials for the garden and sculptures and funds for building sculptures and hosting the workshop.